mood food garden


A 1:1 or small group therapeutic gardening program for individual’s and community organisations on and around the Sunshine Coast who want to support their clients to connect with nature, have fun and improve the health and well-being of their mind, body and soul through the purposeful use of plant-related activities.

What is Mood Food Garden

Mood Food Garden is an innovative therapeutic gardening program that use plants, nutrition, psychology and garden-based activities to connect with self, nature and others whilst developing skills and supporting physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing. Our therapeutic gardening programs are a weaving of purposeful garden and nature-based activities, self-reflection, community connection, social and emotional skills building, meaningful movement and nature connection to support participants to cultivate a healthy, enriching and meaningful life.

It is a bespoke and hands-on program to support and enable participants to achieve their unique social and emotional goals whilst following the basic principles of horticulture to grow their own food, understand the role of food and other lifestyle factors in mood and promote overall health and wellbeing.

Typically, the program runs for a maximum of 12 weeks (over the span of a season) but can be tailored to the needs and wishes of the client or group.

The Mood Food Garden journey can include practical garden-based activities, information and guidance to learn skills to grow fresh food (growing our outer garden) whilst also learning skills to tend to our wellbeing (our inner garden). Sessions are tailored to the individual to enhance confidence, health & wellbeing and is a great adjunct alongside other allied health services.

What is unique about this program is that as the gardening activities unfold, concepts of and experiences with nutrition (aka how food affects one’s mood), psychology, mindfulness, presence, deep listening, social and emotional skills building, connection with nature and fun are interwoven into the process.

benefits of therapeutic gardening

Therapeutic gardening may support you in the following ways:

Creation of an edible garden and access to fresh and free food

Promoting a feeling of connection to self, others, and to nature

Enhancing social connections through opportunities to practice socials skills and building community

The knowledge and skills to care for and add to their edible garden enhancing self confidence

An understanding of how nutrient-dense foods can support mood and health

Cognitive benefits such as supporting concentration, memory and problem-solving skills

A sense of purpose, the cultivation of joy & the development of a sense that actions matter

Psychological benefits such as stress management, development of mindfulness skills, improved mood, sensory stimulation and improved emotional health and wellbeing

Physical benefits such as increased strength and flexibility, fine motor skill development and improved hand-eye coordination

The Mood Food Garden journey

While every program is tailored to the individual’s or group members’ needs, at its essence, each journey teaches the practicalities of growing a garden, in a way that is accessible and enjoyable.

Session Outline:

Typically, over the span of a season, participants are taught:

Horticulture Skills & Activities

🌿Planting - How to collect and sow seeds, seed development, seasonal planting, crop rotation, planting seedlings, understanding soils, plant physiology and nutrients development in plants, companion planting, sensory gardens. 

🌿Tending - weeding, pest management, assessing disease/health, watering, transplanting, pruning, journaling, nature art.

🌿Harvesting - when to harvest, seed saving, growing from scraps, using homegrown ingredients in the kitchen, cooking with indigenous foods.

Therapeutic Skills and Outcomes

🌿Planting - coming back to our senses (mindfulness/emotion regulation), goal setting, problem solving, how to cultivate and nourish our goals, nature connection and belonging to place, building a safe space in which to grow, healthy relationships.
🌿Tending - self-care, developing self-awareness, emotion regulation, understanding our needs and nourishing our roots, communication and listening skills, mindful attention & deep nature connection (nature journaling/art), finding belonging to place, transitions and handling change.
🌿Harvesting - nutrition for mood & pleasure, values guided actions, cultivating joy, linking with community, planning for tomorrow, reciprocity and mutual support, accepting change and disappointment, learning what is and isn't in our control, belonging to place, maintaining growth, & food sovereignty. 


Are staff required to be present for the weekly sessions?

Typically for individuals, no but support workers are very welcome. For groups however, it is dependent on the size and needs of the participants. Please feel free to get in touch and share about your clients via the enquiry form below, and I will try and give you more clarity.

How much does it cost?

Because each Mood Food Garden journey is bespoke, I’m unable to provide costs until I have a clearer idea of the individual/group needs. For current NDIS participants, the current NDIS Pricing Arrangements line items are followed for the program and charged at the appropriate hourly rate plus provider travel to participant’s home.

For organisations, please contact me to discuss your needs for group programs.

How long does each session run for?

Each Mood Food Garden journey is tailored to the individual/group, and the length of each session is dependent on their wishes, needs and capacities. Most often, however, sessions run for 2 hours.

Are all the activities outdoors?

Activities can be tailored to either indoors or outdoors. Outdoor based activities are not suitable for everyone - an assessment of the appropriateness of outdoor activities is completed prior to engagement of these activities.

Are there extra costs involved for things like seeds, pots, soil, gardening tools, etc?

Gardening equipment is provided by In My Mother’s Kitchen for garden-based activities and each participant is provided with a welcome pack which includes some seeds, gloves & other items to start their gardening journey. Individuals or organisations are required to purchase larger perishable items, including potting mix, soil, seeds and plants as arranged for activities.

Where to from here

Are you interested in learning more about how Mood Food Garden could support you or your client/s? Get in touch using the button below!