We are the gardeners of our own wellbeing

When a plant is sick, we don't blame the plant. We look at its environment and ask ourselves: does it have enough water and light? Has it been fed? Is it in the right location for its nature?

The same is true for us human BEing(s)

Our pain deserves the same tenderness and curiosity as that of a gardener.

Yet so many women I talk to describe feeling overwhelmed, distracted and inadequate and are at a loss as to how to truly nourish and cultivate a more simple and authentic life. The busyness and hyper-individualism of modern-day life has left them feeling depleted, unworthy and disconnected from themselves their community and from any sense of belonging.

In My Mother’s Kitchen is for women who want to step out of the hustle, redefine success and reconnect with what is truly nourishing to their nature (with the help of nature).

Welcome sweet gardener - tending your soul and listening to your heart’s deepest desires is worthy of your attention.

In My Mother’s Kitchen is a medicine cabinet of offerings for sensitive and soulful nurturer's - including individual therapy, lifestyle medicine, therapeutic gardening programs, mindful eating and nutritional psychology for the management of mood, stress, burnout and overwhelm or a sense of feeling disconnected from your true nature, anxiety, eco-anxiety, perinatal concerns, fertility issues, motherhood, loss, emotional eating, self-esteem and general wellbeing.  Harnessing psychology, nutrition and the innate wisdom of nature to support the wellbeing of individuals, groups and organisations on and around the Sunshine Coast (Jinibara and Gubbi Gubbi Country) and online. 

discover your true nature, through nature

Plant new seeds for your future and grow into your fullest potential 

In My Mother’s Kitchen will take you on a journey to:

🍃Nurturing spaces and practices that allow you to show up, slow down and be seen

🍃 Understanding how food and simple lifestyle changes can support your emotional wellbeing

🍃Digging up the weeds and unhelpful stories that keep you over-functioning and cultivating new stories that are more aligned to your nature

🍃(Re)connecting you with Mother Nature and your inner nature

🍃 Living more in tune with the seasons and earth’s natural rhythms

🍃 Rewilding yourself by exploring a sense of belonging to place

🍃 Using activities like gardening and cooking as opportunities for nature connection, self-inquiry, mindfulness and presence

🍃 Building connection and community with other like-minded souls (both human and non-human).

rewilding your health

Hi, I’m Kristy

I’m a Registered Psychologist and qualified Therapeutic Horticulture Practitioner with a passion for rewilding our health and healthcare (bringing in the wild things).

I have a deep interest for how food, nutrition, lifestyle and nature can support a person’s emotional health to thrive and be a powerful portal towards greater wellbeing and happiness.

When I’m not supporting my clients or running trainings or group programs, you can find me with my hands in the soil, preparing a nourishing meal for my family in the kitchen (using freshly picked produce from our garden!) and soaking up the quiet serenity at my hinterland property.

When we broaden our sense of self to include the nature around us - When we feel our ancestors under our feet, in the sea, in the air, in the mountains, and the streams - Then we will know we belong. This is what I love about the story of food - It shows us that we belong.
— Kristy Howard

welcome to in my mother’s kitchen

(a medicine cabinet of offerings)

We are dedicated to understanding and nourishing the whole of you and applying integrative and lifestyle approaches to support your wellbeing so you can thrive. 

The story of food brings us back to our connection with place.

We are hard-wired to seek comfort in green spaces

because our nervous system is soothed by Nature

In My Mother’s Kitchen invites you to cultivate the heart of a gardener by exploring what nourishes your true nature. To begin to connect with the story of nutritionally dense food, time in green spaces, heart-led movement, restful sleep and other lifestyle practices as a means to support your emotional health and well-being. 

To begin seeing the connection between nutrition, movement, time in green spaces and connection to nature's garden as a source to re-wild our health and nourish our wellbeing.

In My Mother’s Kitchen links back to the knowledge that Nature is the giver of life and that what she grows and provides to us from her ‘kitchen’ is key to nurturing the self and addressing health and wellbeing in a more holistic way.

In gratitude to My Mother’s Kitchen. Our Mother’s Kitchen. the greatest kitchen of them all.

are you ready to rewild your health and return to the roots of who you truly are